Keller Williams Inspire Realty - Carol May
Carol May
Keller Williams Inspire Realty
Kingston, ON
Número de llicència: 4773189 - ON / Sales Representative a les Carol May at Keller Williams Inspire Realty
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CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Inspire Realty

Sobre mi

Carol May is a highly experienced and knowledgeable real estate agent with Keller Williams Inspire Realty and is the perfect choice to guide you through the process of buying or selling a home in Quinte Region and beyond. Carol May grew up on a family farm in the area, giving her an intimate understanding of the best spots and hidden gems. Having also worked in the fast-paced city market of the GTA, she has the expertise to handle any situation with ease. Carol May always puts her clients first, ensuring that they are happy and satisfied. Her negotiation skills are unmatched, and she always goes above and beyond to exceed her client’s expectations. Whether you're a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or selling your home, Carol May is the perfect partner for you. She pays close attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of your real estate transaction is taken care of with utmost care. Best of all, Carol May focuses on finding personalized solutions that meet your unique needs.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Carol May
Número de llicència: 4773189
Carol May at Keller Williams Inspire Realty

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Keller Williams Inspire Realty
650 Cataraqui Woods Dr Kingston, ON K7P 2Y4

Carol May
Sales Representative 4773189
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